Who Made These Things…When…Where???
The Unknown Scoops Category
I would assume that nearly all ice cream scoop collections have some number of scoops with little to no detailed information as to their origin. When I catalog my scoops, I try to add the name of the inventor or manufacturer and a description of the operation type. the approximate age, bowl size, and shape. I also include a short note about what makes the model unique.
Many times I have no idea as to the manufacturer due to the lack of information provided on the scoop. I can see the type of operation mechanism (thumbscrew, thumb lever, slicer, etc.) I may not know the exact age, but with experience, you can make a good guess on this. The bowl shape is obvious but not always easy to properly describe especially with the novelty scoops. The bowl size is also not always labeled; again, with experience, you can put a good number on most. The description box is where I can provide information, as best I can tell. So, as you can see the scoops in the unknown category can only be listed and described as “Unknown” plus what you can see.
Over the years I have been able to remove items from this category as I stumble across information from patent documents, old vendor catalogs, etc.
When I have the opportunity to talk with other collectors, I seek their help with identifying these unknowns. Generally, I find that they have the same issue.
My hope with this blog is that I can post pictures of some of these unidentified scoops and get information from you. If you can add any identification to any of these scoops, please send a note to jmaphis@gmail.com. Please reference the number that I used to identify the owner. I have been told that the information within this website has helped others remove an unknown label from some of their collections.